Civilian Marksmanship Program at WORGC
CMP Matches are held on the second Sunday of each month (except May when it is the 1st Sunday) at the rifle range. The match starts at 9:00AM but get there early to set up. The format of the event is:
- 100 or 200 yard distance
- 4 rounds for sighting in,
- 10 rounds prone rapid fire
- 10 rounds prone slow fire
- 10 rounds off hand slow fire
- US or foreign military service rifle with iron sights, red dot, or max 4.5x scope; such as M1 Garand, M1A, Springfield '03, or AR-15 /M-4 style carbine (railed hand guards, collapsible buttstocks, M4 carbines, red dot CCOs and 4x ACOGs, etc.)
The organizers are Brian Pritz, Match Director; Chris Appel, Range Officer.
Members and non-members are invited to attend.
The cost is $3 for members, $5 for non-members
You may use your own rifle and ammunition or use one of the club’s M1 Garands.
Package deal: Use a club M1 Garand, 34 rounds of ammunition and range fee for $40